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Rely on Our Innovative Dust Control Solutions

Soils Control International, Inc. is an innovative company working all over the world with governments, construction industry companies, and private contractors for dust control solutions.

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Our asphalt maintenance company knows that dust suppression is a real problem on construction sites and dirt roads. Dust pollution is a serious issue that could attract penalties for your company. To solve it, the traditional dust control solution is sprinkling water. Our products represent a cost-effective and more efficient alternative.

In your experience, you know that water evaporates quickly and then you have to sprinkle it again. What if you could use dust control products that are effective after a single application? Also, this method of industrial dust control is not only effective, but also environmentally friendly. 

Learn More About Our Dust Control Products

Our company is tirelessly working to create efficient and long-term solutions for keeping dirt and gravel roads safe to use and free from dust. Our two premium dust control systems are:

Haul Road Top-Seal™

This innovative road dust control product is based on an eco-friendly liquid that binds the dust particles together. After applying the gravel road dust control product, the road is compacted and there will be no more dust released in the atmosphere.

The top benefits of Haul Road Top-Seal™ are:

  • Significant savings in dust control expenses
  • Permanent elimination of the problem – no subsequent application is needed
  • No need to rebuild haul roads.  

Top-Seal White™

Top-Seal White™ is a dust control product that is easy to apply on a driveway, gravel, or dirt road by anyone. It is mixed with water and then spread on the soil. You do not need special equipment or handling procedures. This is one of the most effective dust control solutions, which work on various types of soil from across the world. 

oad dust control solutions are cost-effective, eco-friendly and only require one application

Our Products Also Work for Dust Control on Gravel Roads

It is important to remember that our advanced dust control solutions work for gravel roads, as well as for dirt roads. The binding power of our industrial dust control materials is sufficiently powerful to create a solid mass out of gravel particles of average size.   

Work with a Global Dust Control Company!

Soils Control International, Inc. was founded in 2011 and accumulated experience at a global level, working with many types of clients, from governments and the military to small private contractors. Our dust control products for roads were tested and proven together with the US military to solve the dust problem caused by heavy armored vehicles at Fort Hood.

We offer our dust control products and know-how all over the world, so contact us now: +1 254 526 5550.